Going on a diet is a fairly common thing to do in order to lose weight however successful weight loss is not quite as common, there is quite a high failure rate. There are many different reasons why successful weight loss might not occur. Why is this? And is it the diets that are the problem or is it other factors?
The problem with a lot of diets is while they tell you what food you need to eat and not eat to lose weight they fail you provide the essential tools to stick with the diet. Doing a diet or making a dietary change is not easy, let’s face it, it’s the easy and indulgent lifestyle we enjoy so much e that gets us in to trouble in the first place! So with this in mind many people struggle to stick to diets because they can be quite challenging and restrictive. If a diet doesn’t show you how to balance restrictions with normal day to day life, then working this out on your own can be a set up for failure.
Two more key tools for weight loss are motivation and organization. Often diets fail not due to the diet itself but by the person on it losing their motivation, particularly when things get too difficult. Motivation tends to come from within, but falling off the wagon because you weren’t organized and got caught with an unhealthy food option can be disheartening and de-motivating. This is where being organised comes in, but sadly more often than not weight loss diets don’t show you this.
It not all just about the food!
While a diet can be a solution for weight management it also needs to be considered that there is an emotional and mental side of weight loss. If a person has emotional eating patterns, simply trying various diets will not solve the underlying problem which needs to be addressed.
A variety of different medical conditions can also affect success on a weight loss program. Slower weight loss due to conditions such as an underactive thyroid can become disheartening causing people to give up too soon before achieving their goal.
So while there are good and bad diets out there failure may not always be because of the diet but rather it is failing to provide adequate back up to support you along the weight loss path.
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